Thursday, March 24, 2011

Day 84: Making Friends

Today most of my day was spent getting to know a mom of one of Norah's classmates. While our children played together, we talked and enjoyed adult conversation, a sweet treat to moms of younger children. Our families are very similar with Norah and her brother being 15 months apart, and our friends being 18 months apart. So, with that in common, it was easy to relate to one another and understand those early years of parenting.

So, all in all, it was a very neat experience, and I am glad that we were able to spend time over there. The girls and boys seemed to really enjoy one another, and I would get them all together again anytime!

It's just nice to meet nice people, and hopefully, as the girls continue to bond, so can our families. You never know. Maybe this could be the start of a nice friendship between two families.

Lord, I was to thank You for the friendships
that Norah has developed in school and that she was able to be in the school that she is in.
I pray that You would continue to bless her and help her grow to be a good friend to others
 and to have wisdom to choose friends wisely.

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