Monday, March 7, 2011

Day 66: Piecing Together

Things are coming together. I'm slowly figuring out how to "take back" my house. You know, reclaim my territory. Tonight I just rearranged my cupboards (just switching things up), and I want to tackle my pantry next. But I'll get to it. I went through all our childrens' books and have two big bags full of them that we don't really read anymore or they are just for babies.

All of these things that I've wanted to get to for eight months are finally getting done, and it feels really good.

Also, the official job offer came in for my husband, and it's over a dollar more than what they estimated the top of the pay scale to be. Praise the Lord!

I feel very blessed to have been carried thus far by God's gracious hand. I am encouraged, and I know that things aren't going to be easy; but I go into this new phase knowing fully that the same Hand that carried me through the last storm will hold me through whatever comes next.

I can rest in the One who always puts all the pieces together.

To Him be all the glory!

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