Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Day 82: Which Kind is of No Consequence

When you grow up being adopted, you learn to take ignorance for what it is, and you learn to try and discern when there is the time for education and when it is the time to let something slide. For instance, I would get this a lot, "Do you know your real mom?" Now, there's nothing wrong with what the person is asking. What they don't understand is that they are asking in a very wrong way. The question really is, "Do you know your birth/biological mother?" An adopted child's real mom, is their mom. Period.

So, I can answer I couple ways. I could be snarky, and say, "My mom is my real mom." Or, I could be gracious, and answer, "You mean my birth mom? Oh no. I haven't met her." The second way educates without making the person feel stupid.

Anyway, all this is to say, that when you're adopted, you learn to live in a way that brings adoption to light.

So let me tell you something that has been on my heart this week.

All adoptions are special. There is not one adoption that is more valuable or needed than another. In all cases, there is a need to be saved.

We are all born with the need to be saved because we are born into a fallen world, and in this world the Lord has a beautiful plan that He is orchestrating for His glory. Some children are born into poverty, some into dangerous circumstances and others are born into beautiful situations. No matter what, all children need saved because we are all born into sin, and some children are born into situations in which they need to be saved twice. They need to be adopted twice.

Adoption mirrors what Christ has made possible for us. We are in desperate need of salvation, and we cannot do anything for ourselves. We can't save ourselves. A child that needs adopting cannot save themselves. So whether they are an orphan in poverty, have special needs, or just can't be cared for by the woman who gives them life, they all need saved. They all need redeemed to be brought into a family.

So one adoption is of no greater import than another because they are all beautiful. They are all mirroring what Christ has done for us, for we are made children of God through Christ's sacrifice.

It is important to not put one form of adoption down, for the sake of building another up or justifying one over another. It is of no consequence what kind it is, just that it takes place.

The salvation of a drug addict or the Sunday school child is still the same. They look different, but is one more special than the other? No. The consequences are the same if they are not saved. Amen?

This week, someone said something to me that I've heard before, and every time I hear it, it ignites anger in me. It affected me so deeply, that days 79 and 80 weren't very good for me.

I will say it again. No form of adoption is above another, and no adoption should be put down to build another up.

Father, I praise You for being Father to the fatherless, and allowing children of all backgrounds to be placed in loving homes all over the world.
Thank You that You equip people and move people's hearts to different ways of building their families. Thank You that You are the architect of families.
I pray that You would move more and more of Your people to care for
orphans and widows in their distress
that we may give You glory. 
Please open the door for our family to grow through adoption soon,
that we may bring You glory
and be a family that is a light for adoption.
Thank You that I am called Your child,
that You adopted me as Your own through the precious blood of Jesus.  

1 comment:

Shelle said...

Loved your post. And the fact that you are adopted...I'm not sure how to put this, but my husband and I have considered adopting. I've been thinking a lot about it this past week...one of my biggest fears with adopting is understanding the special needs that go along with the not knowing factor. While reading your post, I felt like it was God telling me it would be okay...that He would take care of everything and give us wisdom as we need it. I'm still not sure whether we are supposed to adopt or not, but I feel a little closer right now.

I'm not sure if any of that made any sense, but thank you for your post anyway.