Sunday, January 9, 2011

Day 9: Sisters

All families have stories, little anecdotes about vacations and whatnot. For instance, my grandmother tells the story about when I was little and like to call devilled eggs, "angel eggs" because it sounded nicer. As cute as that is isn't, my favorite story is about my sister. And just recently, another story has unfolded that I believe will become part of my family's legacy and heritage. The two are connected in a very special way.

As long as I can remember I was told how much my big sister wanted a little sister. Every night, I'm told, she would pray to have a sister "just like me". I grew up knowing without a doubt that I was wanted by my big sister and that I was a direct "yes" answer to her prayers. On April 15, 1981, when I was held on one side of the door to my new home, the first person to open it was my sister. In fact, I'm told she could barely wait to hold me! I don't have it, but the other amazing picture from that night is my sister holding me, right in front of the door with one of the most beautiful smiles you'll ever see on a six-year-old. This is me, held by my mom, and my sister sitting very close- a very excited big sister!

The other story that will be held dear to our hearts is for another big sister. But Cassidy's story is a little different. While her mother had a lack in the sibling department, Cassidy has been blessed in the brother department. Born with two brothers, one of which she shared a womb with, Cassidy welcomed two more after them. Long had she waited for an ally, a female playmate. When her parents started the adoption process, Cassidy was all on board! For two years she waited and walked the long journey with her whole family.

Finally, waiting in an airport, Cassidy met her sister on January 7, 2011. I had the privilege of being there and seeing the most beautiful smile that was ever on an eight-year-old. As many greeted little Seble, big sister was never far away. In fact she stayed very close that night, like another big sister I know. Like mother, like daughter.

So tonight, I give God glory for answered prayers both old and new. I thank Him and Him alone for building families in His perfect timing. I thank Him for sisters. I thank Him for my own big sister, and for her daughter- a new big sister. I thank Him for letting me be a little sister, and for bringing a new little sister into our family.

1 comment:

Stutzman's Eight By Grace said...

Ok, now I am crying! Thanks-too sweet! It is quite an amazing journey and I now know a little of what mom felt that night-I hope and pray you guys can adopt because it is seriously the most amazing thing! I LOVE you and am SO glad we did adopt you!!!!