Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Day 19: Sleeping In

Last night I was woken up by my sweet little girl, and from that moment on, I couldn't sleep.

Early in the morning, my son came into bed to snuggle with mommy. I couldn't get back to sleep.

So, my husband let me stay in bed while he got our children ready for the day and got our daughter off to school.

He let me sleep in.

I needed that.

I am thankful that I have a husband who knew what I needed and did what he could do to make things easier for me today as I went to work.

Little did he know that it would be one of the latest nights I have worked, and I really really needed that sleeping-in this morning.

Thank you Lord for providing in the littlest and most significant ways.

Thank you for using my husband as an instrument of your grace to me.

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