Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Day 173: My Husband's Mom

Fun fact: I'm not the only Kelly in the family. There are three of us. My husband's dad and uncle both married Kelly's- well a Kelle and a Kellie, to be exact.

Anyhow, we celebrate another year of having my mother-in-law in the world, for it is her birthday.

I love my mother-in-law. We have a very sweet relationship. I talk with her often, and she is a sweet woman of the Lord. She is wise, and a great blessing. She is a graceful (she would laugh if she reads that I am using the word "graceful" to describe her!) example of Biblical womanhood. The truth is, I would do well to emulate her, and I strive to.

I am grateful for her diligence to raise my husband, and her care in being a good grandmother to my children. She has taken me in as her own daughter, and I feel extra blessed to count her as another mom to me.

I can't say enough about how much I love and appreciate her, but I do know when to stop. For I can stop rambling if I set my mind to- can you believe it?!

Happy birthday, Kelle!

Thank you for giving another mom, Lord.
I am so blessed by her and her example of faith. May I be more like her and bring you glory!

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