Monday, May 2, 2011

Day 122: Waiting to Celebrate

May 1st came and went. I had fun purchasing my husband's book in e-form, and I think I made the most of the day and event. Really, we're waiting for the real celebration though. When the physical books are in hand is when it will be more exciting, and when it will be more of a celebration with friends and family. Then we'll have a party, and Casey will sign books. It will be more festive.

Until then, we wait to celebrate. I'm so thankful for God's goodness to my family. I pray that we would not take one blessing for granted. Everything has been so beautiful in its time. All the hardships of recent years, and all the encouragements. God has created a beautiful balance for our family. He's given us enough trials to make us stronger and enough joy to keep us upheld in hope.

It is true. God is good all the time.

I praise you, Father because you make all things beautiful in your time,
and because in any time, you are always good and working for my good because I love you. 
And I love you because you first loved me. 
Thank you.

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