Thursday, September 22, 2011

Day 263: Big Sister

My childhood was filled with a few people, and those few people played very important roles in my life. I had just my mom, my sister and my grandma. They were who I had, and for me, they were all I needed. Each one of these women played a special role in helping me become the person I am today. God used them as agents of grace in my life to give me love, security and guidance.

I am six years younger than my sister. If I were to say that I am the baby of my family, it would be very, very accurate. So I'll say it- I am the baby of my family. My mom provided for my sister and I and carried the burden of fulfilling the role of two parents. My grandma was our saving grace, filling in the gaps wherever she could.

And then there was my sister. She was 13 going on 20. She was responsible, and treated me so well and so kindly. She watched out for me, and was so patient with me. She helped mom by cleaning and doing things around the house, and that I didn't even notice or really think about until I was much older.

My sister was a huge carrier of God's grace to me and my mom.

Today is her birthday. We went to lunch, and had a nice time together- just me, her, my mom, and Seble.

My sister Amber is an example to me in so many things and in so many ways. I can talk to her about anything and rely on her. She's the person that I will know the longest in this world- Lord willing, and I would have it no other way. I am so grateful for the relationship that we have and how it has grown and changed over the years.

Amber is one of my best friends. She is my sister in the sweetest senses of the word. We are bonded through Christ, and we are bonded by family. She is one of my greatest treasures.

Happy birthday sister!

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