Monday, February 7, 2011

Day 38: Green Eggs and Ham, Our Very Own Sam I Am

One year ago today, our family was blessed with a tremendous blessing. Sam was born on Super Bowl Sunday, and today we celebrated his birthday. He is a sweet "dark horse" in his family, the youngest of three boys and the only one with such handsome dark eyes and hair. He is a treasure to have as a nephew, and I will enjoy seeing the Lord work in his life as he grows.

Oh yes! We love our Super Sam, Samma Jamma, That Sam I Am, S.S. Lute. So many knicknames for such a little guy.

Happy birthday dear one!

Lord thank you for little Sam.
Thank You that You have given him such devoted godly parents and sweet older brothers.
I pray that he would be drawn to You at a young age and walk a sweet walk,
knowing you
and trusting in You.
 I pray that You would be his highest joy and greatest treasure.
I pray that he would grow in the wisdom that only comes from You
and that You would protect him from being decieved by the world's wisdom.
Give him strength and a character that honors you.

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