Monday, August 1, 2011

Day 211: And Then There Was the Clean-up

Moving significant pieces of furniture in a out of the house, and unpacking boxes of books leaves a wake of, well, stuff. That's now what I have in my home. I have these leftover boxes that just need to something done with them. There's papers to sort- because I didn't sort them before. There's stuff to throw out- because I didn't throw it out before. There's things to put away- because I didn't put them away before (or they just need a new home).

So now the great clean-up needs to start. I'll get a break before the grungy work begins, but then, when I'm back in town, the great clean-up begins. The shed will need to be put together for reals. The boxes must be reckoned with, and the odd and ends must be taken care of.

Oh, boy. What have I gotten myself into?!

Here's the thing though. If God has laid it on my heart that these things need to be taken care of, then He will provide the means for me to get it done. And as I've learned in each step of this organization frenzy, these last nitty-gritty tasks will be well worth it, and I'll feel the blessing and reward of all the efforts I've put forth.

So, let the great clean-up begin (in a few days because I'm going to go and enjoy family on a short little vacation)!

Lord, I'm almost there. Don't let me stop now. 
You've brought me this far. 
I know I can finish this.

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