Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Day 199: My Strongest Place

Sometimes I think one of the best lessons in parenting happen when our children have their worst moments. Those moments strip us of all pride, for if we had complete control of our children, there would be no bad moments.

It is in those moments, when the sinful hearts of our children rear their ugly heads, that I know as a mom, I can be my strongest because I know that I am completely and utterly dependent on the grace of God to endure such a moment and have wisdom to discipline and disciple wisely.

When my children behave, when they get along and share, when they listen and obey, that is when it is very easy to think that I am doing things right, or that I can do it myself. That is a dangerous and weak place to be. If I think for a second that my own strength or wisdom is enough for my children, I have stripped myself of all the real power that I have as a parent and child of God.

My strength is never my own, but it is in the grace of God that sustains me and guides me. So when I'm faced with my toughest parenting battle, that reality is simply made crystal clear and I am driven to my knees beseeching the gracious hand of God in the situation.

That's the strongest place I can ever be.

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